The car engine produces power in full capacity whereby the functions of the throttle position sensor are un-interrupted. Since un-interruption can last for a number of miles, there is the possibility of encountering some common problems that result from a faulty throttle body.
The Throttle body is responsible for controlling the power out put of the vehicle. You usually find it on the throttle body from where it monitors the throttle butterfly valve’s angle of opening. This is in relation to the intensity of acceleration.
The throttle body is responsible for controlling the amount of air that goes into the combustion chamber for burning fuel in the engine. This is a process of coordination that takes place between the accelerator, onboard computer, car fuel system and throttle body sensors.
Vehicle engine power relies on the proper controlling of the fuel and air mixture ratio. The throttle body valve constrictions determines the fuel and air mixture ratio. Because the throttle butterfly valve opens in such an angle that is favorable to the engine’s power demands. The constrictions depend on the pressure with which you press the accelerator.
Further it depends on the engine’s RPM which is monitored by the on-board computer.
Get this!
Modern vehicles have a drive-by-wire system whereby sensors and software programs control the vehicle’s normal functionality. In fact, there are vehicle manufacturers who limit a vehicle’s engine full power production potential based on onboard vehicle software programing. So, the only way to beat this factory programing is to undertake aftermarket vehicle modifications alongside software reprogramming.
The sensors usually relay information to the onboard computer concerning the automobile’s needs. Further, whichever commands you input into the vehicle are relayed from the computer system to the mechanical aspects of the vehicle.
Throttle position sensor.
This sensor is hooked to the onboard computer in order to monitor how open the throttle valve appears to be. The angle of the throttle valve opening is depends on how much pressure you put on the accelerator pedal.
The main function of the throttle position sensor is to monitor the air intake of the engine through the throttle valve. However, the Electronic Throttle Control relays data to the Engine Control Unit which controls this function.
A Point to remember.
By controlling the amount of fuel and air in supply to the engine, you are able to control engine RPM as well as vehicle speed. Because vehicle acceleration depends on these factors.
Once the driver hits the accelerator, the valve opens wide and this causes air and fuel to flow into the combustion chamber. The engine usually produces this power in order to push the vehicle towards the direction you wish. Further this determines the car’s speed.
Further, the throttle position sensor comes in handy during vehicle ignition, whereby it determines the spark timing. This is applicable when the on-board computer determines fuel release into the combustion chamber firstly during ignition.
If the throttle position sensor malfunctions, you will experience a reduction in engine power amongst other problems. For example, rough idling and a flushing check engine dashboard warning light.